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All businesses employing more than 250 people have to calculate and publish the figures based upon the pay period in which the 5th April 2023 occurred.

Century Healthcare Ltd continues to pay each role in the organisation, the same rate regardless of gender or age.

The only differences are for the senior management team and the salaries and bonuses earned by managers which reflect the responsibilities and opportunities of their role and the size of the business units they run. These bonuses are paid for actual, measured achievement.

Of the 11 people on the management team, only 3 are male and just 1 of these is eligible for bonus with 6 women. There is no gender bar when applying for these posts.

Our pay policy fully meets the requirements of the Equality’s Act and our own aim to pay fairly and equitably to all employees.

The figures have been calculated as per the Gender Pay legislation and are accurate.


Niraj Brahmabhatt

 Managing Director

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